Hayat Brown Infrastructure Investment & Development


Our team of P3 experts have advised on and delivered public-private, alternative financing, and performance-based delivery strategies and transactions that monetize or recycle underutilized real estate assets, as well as result in capital improvements for aging assets. Our work results in revenue generation, cost reduction, and elimination of deferred maintenance, while improving quality of life while promoting economic development, community revitalization, and job creation.

Your P3 Development Experts

Our experts have advised public institutions on hundreds of public-private, alternative financing, and performance-based delivery strategies and transactions to needed capital improvements and monetize or recycle underutilized real estate assets.

Jay Brown, CCIM


Jay Brown is an industry leader and subject matter expert in the financing and delivery of complex infrastructure and commercial development projects that aim to meet mission-oriented goals of universities and public-sector owners – utilizing public-private partnerships (P3) and other alternative and performance-based financing and delivery methods. With 10 years of public-sector experience and 25 years as a transaction advisor, Mr. Brown has performed and overseen numerous public-private transactions, with a focus on social infrastructure — in  particular, where social infrastructure intersects with commercial real estate development — to help universities and public sector clients generate revenue, reduce costs, eliminate deferred maintenance, and fund needed capital improvements.

Brandey Rodgers


Brandey Rodgers is a results-oriented real estate construction and development professional with over 15 years leading and directing teams, projects, and locations simultaneously. As an accomplished leader in managing, structuring, and negotiating transactions, she is known for her breath of expertise in the social infrastructure industry. Brandey’s track record includes leadership of development teams in over $1.3B in managed projects, including the U.S.’s first bundled school P3 project, Prince George’s County Public Schools Alternative Construction Financing Phase I, and a host of social infrastructure projects for the District of Columbia Department of General Services. Brandey has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Cincinnati and a Masters of Science degree in Finance and Real Estate from American University.

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